Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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04 March 2022 Press release

Relaxation of COVID-19 measures: masks no longer required in schools from 7 March and health pass ends on 14 March

With the positive developments in the health situation confirmed, H.S.H. the Sovereign Prince has decided to relax the health measures as proposed by the Prince’s Government following consultation with the National Council.

Therefore, from Monday 7 March:

  • The requirement to wear masks in schools will be lifted for both pupils and teachers. Masks were already allowed to be removed during breaks and when playing sport indoors; they may now be removed in the classroom as well.
  • Nightclubs can reopen in accordance with health protocols agreed with the industry this week.
  • Changes are being made to the rules on isolation for vaccinated family contacts. Specifically, a vaccinated person who lives in the same household as a positive case will no longer be required to stay home from school or work provided that they test negative on a PCR or antigen test taken on day 0 or day 1. They will, however, need to take a self-test on day 3 and a PCR test on day 5 or day 7.
  • Health passes are no longer required for staff working on construction sites.

And from Monday 14 March:

  • Removal of the requirement to show a health pass across all sectors, for both clients/users and employees. The only exceptions are healthcare facilities and residential facilities for the elderly. Staff covered by the Act of 20 September 2021 nevertheless remain subject to the vaccination requirement.
  • Removal of the requirement to wear a mask in any outdoor location.

Finally, the Prince’s Government would like to remind people that the rules on wearing masks indoors remain unchanged, particularly in areas open to the public and on public transport.

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