Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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11 July 2017 News flash

RAMOGE Agreement launches summer “Je navigue je trie” campaign

Remise des sacs destinés aux déchets à l'accueil de la Capitainerie du Port Hercule ©Direction de la Communication/Charly Gallo

On Tuesday 11 July 2017, the RAMOGE Agreement launched its second summer “Je navigue je trie” (“I sail, I recycle”) campaign, which this year will raise awareness among sailors at the Port of Fontvieille and Port Hercule.

The aim of the campaign, which is being run in conjunction with the Department of Urban Amenities, the Société d’Exploitation des Ports de Monaco (SEPM), the Yacht Club de Monaco and Gestes Propres, is to reduce litter at sea by handing out refuse collection bags to sailors.

At the request of the Prince’s Government, the bags handed out will no longer be made of recycled plastic but instead of a biodegradable material, thus meeting the Principality’s environmental requirements. The harbour master’s offices at Fontvieille and Port Hercule, and the Yacht Club marina will issue two refuse collection bags: one for waste which can be sorted and another for non-recyclable rubbish.

The initiative aims to encourage everyone to respect the marine environment, and also meets the commitments made by Monaco’s ports as part of the Clean Ports certification.

“Je navigue je trie” is a simple gesture to help preserve our marine heritage!



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