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17 October 2024 Press release

Principality reiterates support for International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) at United Nations General Assembly

. Benjamin VALLI, Conseiller à la Mission permanente de Monaco © UNTV auprès de l’ONU à New York

On Tuesday 15 October, as the United Nations General Assembly was reviewing the annual report of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Mr Benjamin Valli, Counsellor at Monaco’s Permanent Representation to the United Nations, reiterated the Principality’s support for the IAEA and its staff.

Recalling the Principality’s historical commitment to nuclear safety and security, he also stressed the vital role played by the agency and its teams on the ground.

Mr Valli noted the support that had been provided, since 2007, for the IAEA’s efforts to fight cancer, and took the opportunity to reiterate that the Prince’s Government’s financial support for the Rays of Hope initiative would be renewed for two years.

He also welcomed the assistance provided by the agency to member states in terms of technical cooperation and capacity-building, notably through the Marine Environment Laboratories hosted in the Principality since 1961.

He concluded his speech by expressing the gratitude of the Monegasque authorities to the IAEA Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi and his teams for their professionalism in carrying out their sensitive missions on the ground.

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