Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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22 May 2017 News flash

Princess Grace Hospital opens urban vegetable garden

From left to right : Mr André Garino, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Benoîte De Sevelinges, Deputy Director, Stéphane Valeri, Minister of Health and Social Affairs, Jessica Sbaraglia, founder of Terre de Monaco et Patrick Bini, hospital’s Director © CHPG


On Monday 22 May 2017, Princess Grace Hospital officially opened its urban vegetable garden in the presence of Minister of Health and Social Affairs Stéphane Valeri, the hospital’s Director, Patrick Bini, and Deputy Director, Benoîte De Sevelinges, and Jessica Sbaraglia, founder of Terre de Monaco.*

With the return of soil to the city, including through the growing number of parks and gardens made available in the Principality, urban agriculture became a clear choice for Princess Grace Hospital, which co-opted the Terre de Monaco association to bring its project to fruition.

As a result of this partnership, a 250-square-metre vegetable garden was created. The produce grown is destined for the kitchen that serves the hospital’s crèche and will occasionally also go to retirement homes and the staff canteen.

Two months of work and 20 tonnes of organic compost were required to transform an unused plot into a proper smallholding right in the heart of Monaco.

This initiative is part of Princess Grace Hospital’s sustainable development policy. Since 2010, the hospital has been expanding its innovative projects and activities, designed both to save energy and to reduce its environmental footprint, including by ensuring better transport options for users.

* Terre de Monaco has set itself a mission of establishing urban agriculture, particularly eco-friendly gardens growing fruit and vegetables, on roofs and balconies and in the areas surrounding buildings in the Principality and neighbouring regions. It markets the produce grown on its smallholdings under its own label.

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