Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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27 December 2021 Press release

New Regulatory Provision on the Wearing of Helmets for Electric Scooters


In order to promote soft mobility, the Highway Code was amended in February 2020.  Among other measures, it allowed scooters to travel on the road and in bus lanes.  In addition, the decision was taken to require helmets to be worn by users under 18 years of age

However, experience has shown that these machines are not very visible in urban areas, despite the required equipment (retro-reflective clothing or equipment, horns, lights and reflective devices).

Therefore, to ensure the safety of users of electric scooters, it has been deemed necessary to make it compulsory to wear a helmet, regardless of the age of the user.

This new regulation will enter into force on 24 January 2022.

Attached is a reminder of the regulations in force relating to the use of bicycles and motorised and non-motorised personal mobility devices (PMDs), and the relevant updates.





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