Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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25 July 2023 Press release

Monaco takes part in the 6th meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body responsible for drafting and negotiating a WHO international instrument for tackling pandemics

From Monday, 17th to Friday, 21st July 2023, a Monegasque delegation led by H.E. Ms Carole Lanteri, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Principality to the Office of the United Nations in Geneva, took part in the 6th session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB), responsible for negotiating an international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response.

The INB working group is made up of the member states of the World Health Organisation (WHO). The aim is to draw up an international instrument through which all these States would commit to collective and standardised measures to tackle future pandemics. This process is a response to the COVID-19 pandemic, which revealed major shortcomings both within the health services and in terms of access to vaccines and therapies to combat this disease. The INB Bureau is expected to complete the instrument by the next World Health Assembly in May 2024.

At this 6th session of the INB, the working group continued its review of the preliminary draft of the instrument. Informal meetings on specific articles of the text under review also took place alongside the session. The Principality was actively involved in all these meetings.

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