Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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15 December 2022 Press release

Monaco takes part in 171st session of FAO Council

Monaco participe à la 171ème session du Conseil de la FAO à Rome ©DR

The Principality of Monaco participated, as an observer, in the work of the 171st session of the Council of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), held in Rome from 5 to 9 December.

At the session, a decision was adopted on the devastating consequences that the war in Ukraine is having on global food insecurity and the affordability of fertiliser, food and energy for the most vulnerable countries and populations. Recalling the beneficial contribution made by the Black Sea Grain Initiative, enabling grain and food to be transported safely from Ukrainian ports, this decision, co-authored by the Principality, provides the FAO with specific guidelines on the measures to take as part of its mandate to tackle this crisis.

Discussion on the implementation of thematic and cross-cutting strategies on science and innovation and on climate change, as well as continued collection and analysis of the information required to monitor the development of situations that affect food security – notably the challenges associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, conflict, economic downturns and the growing impact of climate change – also formed an important part of the session.

Additionally, the members of the Council fully recognised the strategic importance of integrated water resource management for food security and climate resilience, recommending that this issue be the topic for the General Debate at the 43rd session of the FAO Conference in July 2023. The session concluded with the adoption of a report containing recommendations aimed at directing the work of the organisation in accordance with key priorities relating to global food security and agri-food systems.

The Monegasque delegation was led by H.E. Anne Eastwood, Monaco’s Ambassador to Italy, alongside Karine Lemon-Médecin and Christelle Revel, Deputy Permanent Representatives. The FAO Council has 49 rotating members and serves as the organisation’s executive body.

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