Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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30 August 2023 Press release

Monaco Yacht Show 2023: Installation of facilities

Installations MYS 2022 ©Direction de la Communication/Michael Alesi

The next edition of the Monaco Yacht Show, the world's leading international yachting show, will take place from 27 to 30 September 2023.

To host this major event in the yachting sector, which generates significant economic benefits for the Principality, the installation of the facilities will begin on 2 September 2023.

Centred in the Port Hercule area, the main roads affected by the restrictions associated with the show installation will be the Quai des Etats-Unis/Avenue J.F. Kennedy, the Route de la Piscine and the Quai Antoine Ier (from 11 September 2023 for the latter), as well as the various quays in the Port.

Some parking bans will be needed to facilitate the work, along with adjustments to vehicle and pedestrian traffic, sometimes resulting in full closures for several days at a time.

However, with constant improvements being made each year thanks to continuous cooperation between government departments and the organisers, measures will be put in place to ease the flow of traffic at peak times. Restrictions will be lifted periodically to facilitate drop-offs for local schoolchildren, and temporary traffic routes will be established for deliveries.

Two parking spaces for two-wheeled vehicles will also be provided from the date that the Quai Antoine Ier will be occupied, 11 September 2023:

- Avenue de la Quarantaine;
- and in the Parking Public de la Digue car park (ask the reception desk for access conditions).

The areas will be gradually reopened to the public from 1 October 2023, returning to normal from 12 October 2023.

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