Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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24 October 2022 News flash

Monaco Red Cross joins Women’s Rights Committee

From left to right: Mr Yann Bertrand, Executive Director of the Monaco Red Cross; Ms Bettina Ragazzoni Janin, General Treasurer of the Monaco Red Cross; Ms Isabelle Berro-Amadeï, Chair of the Women’s Rights Committee; Ms Céline Cottalorda, Chief Women’s Rights Officer; and Théo Campana, Women’s Rights Committee. © Government Communication Department / Manuel Vitali

In light of their shared vision focused on helping women who are victims of violence and developing their position in society, the Monaco Red Cross is joining the Women’s Rights Committee, alongside the Monegasque institutions and associations already working on these issues through the Committee.

To mark the occasion, an initial meeting was held at the Ministry of State to discuss the work of the Committee and identify the areas in which the Monaco Red Cross might get involved.

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