Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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11 October 2023 Press release

J-MED: Monaco and France join forces to support young people in the Mediterranean region

4ème édition Appel à projets J-MED © Manuel Vitali - Direction de la Communication

On Tuesday 3 October, Isabelle Berro-Amadeï, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, and H.E. Jean d’Haussonville, the French Ambassador to Monaco, renewed an initiative for young people in the Mediterranean region. The fourth call for proposals for J-MED will be launched on 25 October 2023 in Beirut (Lebanon).

The initiative continues to “support young people in the Mediterranean” by providing support for projects led by NGOs from the southern, eastern and northern shores of the Mediterranean, in France, Monaco, Italy, Malta, Portugal and Spain. Among the sectors given priority are education and culture, vocational training, socio-economic inclusion, mobility, social and solidarity entrepreneurship and sports.

Following the last three calls for proposals, 80 organisations in Morocco, Tunisia, Lebanon and Mauritania were selected to implement projects for young people around the Mediterranean. Since it launched the first call in 2020, the JMED initiative has succeeded in attracting 400 proposals.

Ms Berro-Amadeï pointed out that JMED was “an agile and effective tool to localise more aid from Monaco in favour of Mediterranean stakeholders and support the emergence of a new generation of younger, more inclusive NGOs in the region.

H.E. Mr. Jean d’Haussonville stated that: “J-MED has enabled France and Monaco to join their efforts and offer resources to young people in the Mediterranean basin working in a range of non-profit sectors.  Through J-MED, we support small associations, often created by women, that often operate at a distance from capital cities”.

The 2023 J-MED call for proposals will be officially launched at the “Rencontres Méditerranéennes” event in Beirut on 25 October. Interested NGO consortiums have until 5 January 2024 to submit their proposals.

Monaco and France work together on cooperation for development in Africa and the Mediterranean as part of a partnership agreement signed in 2010.


More information is available on www.jmed-aap.org

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