Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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28 November 2022 Press release

Ilot Pasteur operation: Avenue de Fontvieille closed in uphill direction until January

Work on the “Ilot Pasteur” development continues, despite difficulties sourcing raw materials owing to the international situation.

The project will see the creation of a complex of buildings with a floor area of more than 100,000 m² and is one of the biggest public development projects in the Principality. The new buildings will house various infrastructures essential to the everyday life of Monegasques, including the new Collège Charles III school, the new Espace Léo Ferré, the new library, and a public car park with 900 spaces.

As previously announced, the project, which is due for delivery in 2024, entered a new phase on 12 September 2022.

Lasting until 15 January 2023, this phase will involve extending the construction zone to cover part of the uphill section of Avenue de Fontvieille. This area will house the foundations of the new office building, requiring Avenue de Fontvieille to be closed in the uphill direction for safety reasons.

To complete the work as quickly and as efficiently as possible and in complete safety, this lane of the road will remain entirely closed to traffic until 15 January 2023.

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