Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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24 July 2024 Press release

GRECO: Fifth evaluation round The report welcomes Monaco's ongoing measures to combat corruption and calls upon the country to continue its efforts

Vue Monaco depuis la Tête de Chien © Direction de la Communication

On 21 June 2024, GRECO (Group of States against Corruption) approved Monaco's evaluation report for the fifth round, which covers preventing corruption and promoting integrity within central governments (senior executive roles) and law enforcement agencies (police services).

This assessment follows a review of the anti-corruption regulations and an in-country visit by GRECO assessors in November 2023, something the Monegasque authorities spent several months preparing for.

Monaco applauds the valuable discussions held with GRECO over the last few months and appreciates the Principality's specific characteristics being taken into consideration during the fifth evaluation round, which concludes with a series of recommendations concerning senior members of executive agencies and law enforcement agencies.

The Monegasque authorities now have 18 months to submit a progress report on the measures being taken in response to the recommendations put forward.

GRECO noted that the Monegasque authorities have already implemented anti-corruption regulations at the government level, appointed a compliance officer, established an ethics committee, produced a risk map and initiated a draft bill on whistleblowers.

The Principality is committed to continuing its efforts and strengthening anti-corruption legislation without detriment to its institutions, as has been the case during the past decade of evaluation rounds.

The Evaluation Report is available now on GRECO's website: www.coe.int/greco and on the Government portal: www.gouv.mc

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