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08 June 2017 Press release

French Language Competition of the Association of Members of the Order of Academic Palms

© Manuel Vitali - Direction de la Communication

Every year, the Association of Members of the Order of Academic Palms organises a competition inviting French-speaking pupils from many different countries to pay tribute to the French language and French culture.

Thirty or so secondary school pupils and high school students from the Principality took part in the 2017 competition, writing poems, short stories or essays, thus demonstrating the importance they place on this cultural and linguistic heritage.

In close partnership with the Department of Education, Youth and Sport, under the responsibility of Ms. Isabelle Bonnal, head teachers and principals of State-run and private educational institutions, literature teachers and AMOPA helped the students prepare for these competitions.  Awards are made in the following three categories: 

-        The prize for written expression in French,

-        The young poet's prize, and

-        The Maupassant young novelist's prize. 

The Collège Charles III, the Francois d'Assise-Nicolas Barré school and the Lycée Albert 1er were very involved in these competitions, as witnessed by the participation of eight classes from Year 7 to Baccalaureate level.  Following a difficult selection process, with many high-quality entries, four written works were finally chosen. 

-        Charlotte Thibaudin from Year 7 (class 6ième 2) at the Collège Charles III won the first prize for written expression.

-        Romane Bourbon from Year 9 (class 4ième E) at the Collège-Lycée François d’Assise-Nicolas Barré and Chloé Stefanelli from Year 11 (class 2nde 4) at the Lycée Albert Ier won for their educational establishments in "The Maupassant Young Novelist's Prize" category.

-        Finally, a Special Commendation was awarded to Monica Minazzo, a Year 7 pupil at the Collège Charles III, in the "Written Expression in French" category.

Mr. Alain Dorato, President of AMOPA, paid tribute to the prize-winning pupils by holding a ceremony at the Sorbonne in Paris in the presence of Mr. Gilles Pecout, Chief Education Officer of the Regional Education Authority of Paris, Chancellor of Universities and Mr. Michel Berthet, National President of the Association of Members of the Order of Academic Palms.

His Excellency Mr. Claude Cottalorda, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of H.S.H. the Prince of Monaco, honoured this delightful ceremony with his presence and awarded prizes to the winners who had competed for the Principality of Monaco. 

The four students who had brilliantly distinguished themselves in the 2017 competition were also recognised in the Principality at an informal ceremony held on 7 June in the auditorium of the Collège Charles III. 

Ms. Laurence Guazzonne, Head of Mission at the Department of Education, Youth and Sport, Mr. Lohest, 1st Counsellor, representing Her Excellency the Ambassador of France to the Principality and Mr. Alain Dorato, the President of AMOPA, accompanied by members of the Board of this association, head teachers and teachers of French, were present at this event, and congratulated the students and their families at this occasion.

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