Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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06 June 2017 News flash

Cultural Associations Forum - 10 and 11 June 2017 – Rainier III Auditorium

© DR

The 6th Cultural Associations Forum, organised by the Department of Cultural Affairs, will take place on 10 and 11 June 2017 from 2 p.m. to 6.30 p.m. at the Rainier III Auditorium.

At this Forum, the public will be able to find out about the diversity of the cultural associations in the Principality by meeting members of the associations on their stands, taking part in the workshops offered or attending demonstrations staged by the exhibitors.

Various types of association will be present, representing dance, literature and philosophy, singing, the visual arts, culture, theatre and international cultural exchanges.

Admission to the Cultural Associations Forum is free.

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