Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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05 July 2022 Press release

Baccalaureate 2022 - Excellent results

The outstanding results achieved by secondary school pupils in the main examination round for the 2022 baccalaureate have confirmed once again the excellence of the education on offer in the Principality and the brilliance of the country’s students.

Of the 451 pupils entered across all options, 98.45% passed the examinations in the main round, with 82.21% earning honours and 50.45% earning high or highest honours. The 365 honours were allocated as follows: 

  • 87 pupils passed with highest honours
  • 137 pupils passed with high honours
  • 141 pupils passed with honours

Among the pupils taking the general option at Lycée Albert I and Lycée François d’Assise – Nicolas Barré, 98.58% passed and 249 pupils (89.89%) earned honours, with 63.54% earning high or highest honours: 

  • 77 pupils passed with highest honours
  • 99 pupils passed with high honours
  • 73 pupils passed with honours

Among the pupils taking the technology option at Lycée Albert I and Monaco’s Vocational and Catering School meanwhile, the pass rate was 98.63% and 70.83% (51 pupils) earned honours, with 27.78% earning high or highest honours: 

  • 5 pupils passed with highest honours
  • 15 pupils passed with high honours
  • 31 pupils passed with honours

The pass rate of pupils at Monaco’s Vocational and Catering School in the hotel, industry and services sectors of the vocational option was also excellent: 97.94% of pupils passed and 68.42% (65 pupils) earned honours, with 29.47% earning high or highest honours:

  • 5 pupils passed with highest honours
  • 23 pupils passed with high honours
  • 37 pupils passed with honours

These fantastic results reflect the consistent efforts of the school pupils, as well as the quality of the support and education provided in the Principality.

The Prince’s Government offers its warmest congratulations to the students and its sincere thanks to all of the management, teaching and non-teaching staff, whose unwavering commitment has ensured that the 2022 baccalaureate results are in line with the excellence achieved in previous years.

Finally, the Prince’s Government would like to pay tribute to the teams at the Department of Education, Youth and Sport for their continued and efficient efforts in support of the education system.





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