Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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05 April 2023 Press release

Award ceremony for Monaco Red Cross first-aid certificates

Cérémonie de remise des diplomes de CRM ©Eric Mathon - Palais Princier

On Tuesday 4 April, the Rainier III Auditorium’s Salle Kreizberg hosted the award ceremony for Monaco Red Cross first-aid certificates, in the presence of H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco, President of the Monaco Red Cross, His niece Camille Gottlieb, Head of the Youth Section, and the entire Monaco Red Cross Board of Directors.

Numerous representatives from the Government were among the recipients attending the ceremony, who included staff from the Human Resources and Training Department, Monaco City Hall, the Police Department, trainees from the Police School, pupils from the Principality’s schools, volunteers from associations and private sector employees.
A total of 3,880 people completed training with the Monaco Red Cross in 2022, and obtained certifications in the following areas: Level 1 Prevention and Civil Security, European First Aid Certificate, Introduction to Basic First Aid, First Aid in Teams (Level 1 and 2) and the National Water Safety and Rescue Certificate. In addition, continuing education was provided for all team members already qualified in the abovementioned areas to enable them to maintain their skills.

The training provided by the Monaco Red Cross is free and open to all. However, to enable it to expand its provision and meet the growing demand for training, the Monaco Red Cross welcomes all donations that help to financially support this work.

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