Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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01 June 2017 Press release

5 June 2017 - World Environment Day "Connecting People to Nature"

World Environment Day is celebrated on 5 June every year by the United Nations to raise awareness and promote global action for environmental protection.  It has been widely celebrated in more than 100 countries since its launch in 1974 and has become a worldwide platform for increasing public awareness.  Each World Environment Day is based on a theme, to draw the public's attention to a particularly urgent environmental concern.  The theme this year is "connecting people to Nature."  The aim is to become an agent for change and encourage a sense of responsibility from an early age and an understanding of the importance of strengthening our links with Nature – both in the countryside and in cities.

Natural heritage management is one of the main focuses of the environmental policy of the Prince's Government.  It is in line with the international conventions of which Monaco is a Party and is also reflected in the various actions carried out by the Government Departments (full information attached).

Note that, for World Environment Day, Monaco Bus Company's buses will be free of charge on Monday 5 June. Make the most of it!


Contact:  environnement@gouv.mc

Further Information:  www.worldenvironmentday.global/fr/propos/la-journ%C3%A9e-mondiale-de-lenvironnement-quest-ce-que-cest

application/pdf 5 June 2017 - World Environment Day Action by the Prince's Government (171.39 kB)

Crédit photo : © Raphaël Simonet / Direction de l'Environnement

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