Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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13 July 2022 Press release

12th meeting of the Committee for Graduate Employment (CID)

From left to right: Muriel Bubbio, Project Manager at the Committee for Graduate Employment; Christophe Robino, Minister of Health and Social Affairs; Laurence Garino, Chief of Staff to H.E. the Minister of State; and Isabelle Bonnal, Commissioner General of the Department of Education, Youth and Sport. © Government Communication Department / Michael Alesi

Chaired by the Minister of Health and Social Affairs, Christophe Robino, the Committee for Graduate Employment met on Tuesday 12 July 2022 to review its activities and present its annual report for 2021 to its members.

The Committee for Graduate Employment’s objectives are:

  • To develop links between higher education students and graduates and the business world;
  • To help young graduates enter employment in the public and private sectors;
  • To assist expatriate graduates in returning to the Principality.

The Committee also supports young people as they figure out their path towards employment from secondary school onwards, in parallel with their future plans. The idea is to ensure alignment between young people’s life plans and the expectations of employers in Monaco.

“Inform, support, listen”

During 2021, the Committee’s Executive Unit saw a new upswing in its activities, which nonetheless remained below the level of 2020. In addition to various difficulties encountered by young people in their search for internships or sandwich placements as we emerge from the health crisis, the Committee has noticed greater foresight on the part of young people as they make plans for their future careers.

Members were also able to discuss areas of focus for 2022/2023, particularly in terms of helping the post-COVID generation of young graduates into employment, a generation which prioritises flexibility and quality of work life, and has a strong interest in entrepreneurship. To this end, the Committee is continuing to develop synergies with the Junior Chamber International Monaco and Monaco Boost to make information on this subject available to young people.

The Committee will continue and intensify its work. Individual appointments, new News’CID resources, meetings with inspiring professionals and Job’CID are all tools that are used to encourage our young people to create a proper strategy when developing their plans for the future.

The Committee believes that offering students and young graduates supportive coaching, helping them to make their future career plans and reassuring them continue to be vital to these young people, whose key concerns are their own wellbeing and professional growth.

The theme for the Committee for Graduate Employment’s work in 2023 will be “Generalists vs specialists” to highlight the importance of versatility and adaptability for the positions that our young people will hold in 2030.



Autres actualités du thème
