Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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ME syndicatsAIHMSBM 1 - ©Direction de la Communication - Michael Alesi

Prince’s Government joins forces with Monaco’s economic actors to tackle pandemic

30 November 2021 News flash

The Prince’s Government is continuing to consult with the various economic actors in the Principality to establish a strategy for tackling the pandemic that takes account of the needs and expectations of different sectors.On Monday, Minister of State Pierre Dartout, together with Minister of Health and Social Affair...

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Stand She Can He Can - Comité droit sdes femmes 2021 - Sur le stand de SheCan HeCan et Fight Aids Monaco ©Direction de la Communication-Stéphane Danna

Tour of stands set up for International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

30 November 2021 Social Affairs and Health Press release

A tour of the stands set up by the Women’s Rights Committee was organised at the Fontvieille Shopping Centre on Friday 26 November 2021.Among those visiting the stands were H.E. Pierre Dartout, Minister of State; Stéphane Valeri, President of the National Council; Robert Gelli, Secretary of Justice; Patrice Cellario...

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Partenarait AMSN GATEWATCHER. ©Direction de la Communcation-Michael Alesi - Frédéric Fautrier, the Monaco Cyber Security Agency’s Director (on the left) and Jacques de La Rivière, CEO of Gatewatcher (on the right). ©Direction de la Communication-Michael Alesi

Monaco Cyber Security Agency renews confidence in Gatewatcher

30 November 2021 Security Press release

The Monaco Cyber Security Agency is delighted to announce a new partnership with French software publisher Gatewatcher.

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COVID-19: Ten New Positive Cases and 37 Recoveries on Monday 29 November

29 November 2021 Coronavirus (Covid-19) Press release

Ten new positive cases of COVID-19 were identified on Monday 30th November.The overall health figures for the Principality therefore remain at 3,738 people affected by the Coronavirus since the beginning of the health crisis.This evening, 11 people are being treated at Princess Grace Hospital: 9 people, two of whom...

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COVID-19: No New Positive Cases and Six Recoveries on Sunday 28 November

28 November 2021 Press release

No new positive cases of COVID-19 were identified on Sunday 28 November.The overall health figures for the Principality therefore remain at 3,728 people affected by the Coronavirus since the beginning of the health crisis.This evening, 13 people are being treated at Princess Grace Hospital: 11 people, three of whom...

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COVID-19: Twenty-Three New Positive Cases and Fifteen Recoveries on Saturday 27 November

27 November 2021 Press release

Twenty-three new positive cases of COVID-19 were identified on Saturday 27 November.This therefore brings the overall health figures for the Principality to 3,728 people affected by the Coronavirus since the beginning of the health crisis.This evening, 12 people are being treated at Princess Grace Hospital: ten peop...

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COVID-19: Prince’s Government refines calculation of vaccination rate

27 November 2021 Press release

Since the pandemic began in February 2020, the Prince’s Government has published daily data on the evolution of the health situation in the Principality of Monaco: the number of positive cases recorded, the number of recoveries, hospital occupancy due to COVID-19, the number of tests carried out, the positivity rate...

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COVID-19: Thirty-Six New Positive Cases and 11 Recoveries on Friday 26 November

26 November 2021 Coronavirus (Covid-19) Press release

Thirty-six new positive cases of COVID-19 were identified on Friday 26 November.This therefore brings the overall health figures for the Principality to 3,705 people affected by the Coronavirus since the beginning of the health crisis.This evening, ten people are being treated at Princess Grace Hospital: eight peopl...

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Expo Tremblements. ©NMNM  Andrea Rossetti 2021 - View of the exhibition at Villa Paloma – Arthur Jafa, The White Album, 2019, NMNM Collection, No. 2021.5.1 and Apostolos Georgiou, Untitled, 2014, NMNM Collection, No. 2018.5.1, acquired with support from UBS (Monaco) S.A. ©NMNM / Andrea Rossetti, 2021

“Tremblings – Recent acquisitions by the Nouveau Musée National de Monaco”, a new exhibition at the Villa Paloma - 25 November 2021 to 15 May 2022

26 November 2021 Culture News flash

The new exhibition at the Villa Paloma, “Tremblings – Recent acquisitions by the Nouveau Musée National de Monaco”, brings together a selection of works acquired by the NMNM under the leadership of Marie-Claude Beaud between 2010 and 2021.Conceived by Célia Bernasconi, curator of the exhibition and Chief Curator at...

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Nouvelles mesures sanitaires en Principauté de Monaco

26 November 2021 Coronavirus (Covid-19) Press release

Le Gouvernement Princier a annoncé ce jour de nouvelles mesures sanitaires pour lutter contre la pandémie de la Covid-19, mesures qui seront en vigueur jusqu’au 20 décembre (début des vacances de Noël).1- Dès demain, samedi 27 novembre: le retour de l’obligation du port du masque en extérieur, en tout temps et parto...

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