Representation of the Principality of Monaco in the Kingdom of Netherlands |
Representation of the Kingdom of Netherlands in the Principality of Monaco |
Embassy of Monaco in NetherlandsAmbassador: H.E. Mr Frédéric LABARRERE Knight of Order of St-Charles
Square de Meeûs n° 5-6
Phone: (+32) 2 347 49 87 Email:
Consulates of Monaco in NetherlandsAmsterdam (Noord Hilland, Gelderland, Overijsel, Drenthe, Groningen et Friesland)
Honorary Consul: Mr. Robert-Jan WOLTERING De L’Europe Nieuwe Doelenstraat 2-14 1012 CP Amsterdam, Netherlands Phone : 00 31 (0) 20 531 17 77 Email :
La Haye (Zuid Holland et Utrecht)
Honorary General Consul: Mr Joost P. van IERSEL Ruychrocklaan 482 2597 EK - la Haye/Den Haag Nederland
Phone: (+31) 70 354 61 65 |
Embassy of Netherlands in MonacoAmbassador: H.E. Mr. Jan Théophile VERSTEEG
7-9 rue Eblé Email : Website:
General Consulate of Netherlands in MonacoHonorary General Consul: Mr Arie Adrianus van 't HOF 3, avenue de la Costa MC 98000 Monaco Phone: (+377) 97 70 36 44 Email: