Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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European Union

Representation of the Principality of Monaco in the European Union

Representation of the European Union in the Principality of Monaco

Ambassador: H.E. Mr. Frédéric LABARRERE

Knight of Order of St-Charles
Ambassador of Monaco to Belgium
Head of Monaco’s Mission to the European Union and to the European Atomic Energy Community 

Square de Meeûs n° 5-6

Téléphone : (+32) 2 347 49 87
Fax : (+32) 2 343 49 20
Courriel : ambassade.en.belgique@gouv.mc

Delegation of the European Union to the OECD and UNESCO

Ambassador: H.E. Mrs Christina KOKKINAKIS

12, Avenue d'Eylau
75116 Paris

Phone: (+33) 1 44 05 31 60

Email: delegation-paris@eeas.europa.eu

Website: eeas.europa.eu
