Prince Pierre of Monaco Foundation 2022 conference series
In 2022, the Prince Pierre of Monaco Foundation is renewing its dedication to promoting engagement with those who create art, culture and history, inviting them to share their experience, motivations and commitment.
Once again this year, as it has done for nearly 100 years now, the Foundation will present a number of events: in Monaco on 24 and 31 January, 28 February and 7 June; and beyond the country’s borders at the Maison de l’Océan in Paris.
Conferences in Monaco:
> Monday 24 January, 6.30 p.m., Variety Theatre
Camille Morineau, heritage curator and art historian
The far side of the moon: female artists in contemporary art
How does one become an art historian, or to be more exact a female art historian, or to be really specific, a female art historian of art produced by female artists? Is it a field of research, a passion, a commitment, or all of these things at once? In what way does art by women reflect an alternative vision of the world, and what other world are these women offering us a vision of?
These are all questions that Camille Morineau will address as she discusses her personal and professional life.
> Monday 31 January, 6.30 p.m., Variety Theatre
Mia Hansen-Løve, director
The shot: a writing of the film
When filming a scene, is there an ideal place where the camera should be? A perfect distance? A precise length of time which is required to express what you want to express? What role does the cinematographer play in this process? At what point is the choice of camera angle for a shot made, and for what purposes? What tensions are at work between the planned shot, the intended meaning and the recorded shot? In other words, how can we reconcile the intention of the shot and the attention paid to what has been set up and filmed, with the potential for uncertainty which ensues?
Using excerpts from her films, Mia Hansen-Løve’s conversation with film critic Jacques Kermabon will focus on direction, shot design, space-time fragments, and the decisions that they entail.
This conference is being organised in partnership with the Audiovisual Institute of Monaco.
> Monday 28 February, 6.30 p.m., Variety Theatre
Daniel Pennac, writer
Dreaming in literature
Daniel Pennac needs no further introduction, so close is this author to his audience, with his prodigious, multifaceted output that is aimed at everyone. His work, which can be approached in a variety of ways and which is easily accessible, nonetheless raises many questions and stirs in us something intimate, something secret – and yet something that we share most in common. A major contemporary writer has agreed to talk to us about his creative process, thanks to which his thoughts become the book that we hold in our hands, a text which enters our consciousness, his idea, his sounds, his lights and his colours which suddenly become ours.
> Tuesday 7 June, 6.30 p.m., Grimaldi Forum
Vinciane Despret, philosopher and psychologist
Writing with animals
Philosopher William James was adamant that not only do earthly things “have personal lives”, but that they tell real stories that make up the fabric of the universe. Since then, several philosophers and historians have sought to take note of the possibility, particularly for animals, to actively “create meaning” through traces and marks in a way that Michel Serres has associated with writing. Thus, humans might not be the only ones who tell stories, or indeed contribute to writing history...
Conferences outside Monaco:
> Due to the new health measures, the event featuring Hélène Cixous initially planned for Tuesday 18 January 2022 at the Maison de l’Océan in Paris has been cancelled. Her talk, “The cat and the castle”, organised in conjunction with the Philosophical Encounters of Monaco, will be posted online at a later date.
> Monday 7 February, 6.30 pm, Maison de l’Océan (Paris)
Betsy Jolas, composer
The true stories of Betsy Jolas
Following the Prince Pierre Foundation’s award of its triennial Musical Composition Prize to Michael Jarrell in 2021, an opportunity was taken to gather some memories from the President of the Foundation’s Musical Council, the great composer Betsy Jolas.
This took the form of a filmed interview, during which Ms Jolas chatted openly with the producer, presenter and musicologist Arnaud Merlin about her life, her musical career, her work and the important role within it of the Foundation’s support for contemporary creativity.
Free entry – Booking advised via
Information: (+377) 98 98 85 15
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