Presentation of the New Season of the Princess Grace Theatre
The 2021-2022 Season of the Princess Grace Theatre (TPG) has just been announced. The thirty events offered reflect the diversity and richness of the art of the theatre, from rereadings of "great classics" to more contemporary works. More than ever, texts, authors and collaborations are central to the TPG's programming, and this new season expands and develops these trends.
Continuing its long-standing partnership with the Comédie-Française, the TPG will welcome two of its members - Guillaume Gallienne, in François le saint jongleur (Francis, The Holy Jester) by Dario Fo, and Christian Gonon, who will bring the words of Pierre Desproges to the stage. Two major comedies will also be on the programme, and will take place away from the Grimaldi Forum, in addition to the now customary "Theatre and Cinema" event, held in partnership with the Audiovisual Institute of Monaco. This season will also be an opportunity to discover, or rediscover, the great authors from the repertoire - Racine, Molière, Shakespeare and Guitry - through several new productions, which will certainly enable spectators to view the work of these immensely important authors in a new light.
Two new formats will be introduced this season - a cross-cutting event by the pianist Shani Diluka and Charles Berling, which is a concert, a reading and a discussion on the theme of "Man and the Cosmos," all at the same time - and the "Scène et Création" initiative, which will present a work on the theme of theatrical creativity in the Principality every year. The Monegasque author Alain Pastor will be the guest at this first event.
Thirty evening events and thirty invitations to look at our world with humour, intelligence and sensitivity!
The ticket office is open and full details of the programme can be found on:
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