Finalists of the 2022 “High School Students' Favourite Choice” prize
The jury, comprised of Year 11 (Seconde) students from the Lycée Albert Ier, Monaco's Vocational and Catering School (Lycée Technique et Hôtelier) and the Lycée FANB, has made its selection of books for the 2022 "High School Students' Favourite Choice".
From the seven shortlisted novels, the following were chosen for the final selection:
- Alex DAUNEL, Les Indécis, L’Archipel
- Nicolas DIAT, Ce qui manque à un clochard, Robert Laffont
- Émilie PAPATHEODOROU, L’aube américaine, Albin Michel
- Julia PIALAT, Quand la ville s’éteint, JC Lattès
- Marie VINGTRAS, Blizzard, Éditions de l’Olivier
The next step will be for the students to meet with all the chosen authors - on 1 June 2022, these authors will be invited to the Principality to face the members of the jury, answer their questions and try to win their vote. The winner will be announced at the Prince Pierre Foundation's prize awards ceremony, to be held on 11 October 2022 in Monaco.
The High School Students' Favourite Choice was founded in 2007 in association with the Department of Education, Youth and Sport. It is awarded for a first novel and is endowed with the sum of EUR 6,000 by the Princess Grace Foundation.
This is a truly educational project; the aim of the initiative is to raise students' awareness of the world of publishing and contemporary literature.
For all the latest news from the Prince Pierre Foundation, see:
Information: (+377) 98 98 85 15
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