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What is a Société en Nom Collectif (SNC)?
Features and benefitsThe société en nom collectif (SNC) must carry out commercial activities.The professions and non-trading activities may not be performed within an SNC.The SNC is a company in which the shareholders are all considered as traders and are indefinitely and jointly and severally liable for all company...
Read moreAdministrative office
Firms with a registered office abroad may open an administrative office in Monaco where management, coordination or oversight is carried out on an actual and regular basis.No commercial activities may be performed by an administrative office.The firm appoints a management agent for this administrative office, known...
Read moreWhat is a Société en Commandite Simple (SCS)?
Features and benefitsFeaturesThesociété en commandite simple(SCS) is a company with two categories of shareholder: 'commandités' (active partners) and 'commanditaires' (limited partners).Active partnersActive partners have the status of shareholding partners; they are considered as traders and are jointly and severa...
Read moreWhat is a Société Anonyme Monégasque (SAM)?
Features and benefitsAsociété anonyme monégasque(SAM) is a joint stock company, and the company objects may be commercial or non-trading.The professions may thus be incorporated in the form of a non-trading SAM.An SAM may be chosen by entrepreneursfor several reasons: It facilitates the development of existing fir...
Read moreHow to obtain an access permit for Monaco Ville
Read moreHow to declare ownership of a dangerous dog
Read morePolice levels
The table below shows the different levels in the Monaco Police. Ranks Role Cadet Within the police, there is the opportunity to work in different uniformed or plainclothes units, such as the dayshift section, the nightshift section, Task force, Marine Police, Motorcycle squad, Minors’ Police Brigade...
Read moreHow to become a firefighter
Read moreHow to become a police officer
How to request a licence to keep or acquire firearms
School Road Safety Certificate (ASSR)
Principle and conditionsIssued in colleges since 1993, school road safety certificates (attestations scolaires de sécurité routière, ASSR), taken by college students in 5ème (year 8) and 3ème (year 10), are an integral part of compulsory education. They provide an opportunity to test road safety knowledge acquired t...
Read moreReclaiming a vehicle that has been impounded
Reclaiming Your VehicleTo collect your vehicle, you should go to theFontvieille Police Station, 9 rue des Ligures (near the heliport).You can collect your vehicle by day or at night once you have paid the fine, whatever the type of vehicle. There is an additional charge for the cost of impounding the vehicle.If you...
Read moreBurglary prevention advice
How burglars operateBreaking and enteringThe burglar (working alone or with others) enters the premises by forcing the front door or breaking a window. More fragile doors (such as hollow or panelled doors) can often be opened by simply kicking them or pushing them hard.Some doors have locks that can be opened with a...
Read moreComparison of legal forms
SARL SAM SNC SCS Sole trader Name Company name: > Preceded or followed by the initials "SARL"> May include the name(s) of one or more shareholders Company name: > Preceded or followed by the words "société anonyme monégasque" or the initials "SAM...
Read moreWhat is a Société à Responsabilité Limitée (SARL)?
Features and benefitsBenefits Thesociété à responsabilité limitéeis one of the most common legal forms. It limits the shareholders' liability to the amount of their contributions. It gives a family touch to the firm. It enables a firm to be set up with less capital.It can be managed by a third party.FeaturesAt least...
Read moreHow to establish an SARL
Starting a business
Do you want to start a business in Monaco? What steps do you need to take?
Read moreMap of Bilateral Relations
The United Nations (UN)
The United Nations (UN) is an international organisation which brings together, with just a few exceptions, all the countries on the planet. Distinct from the nations which make it up, the organisation’s goal is international peace. It aims to facilitate cooperation in the fields of international law, international...
Read moreTransporting dangerous substances
A dangerous substance can be a threat to humans, goods and/or the environment by way of its physico-chemical and toxicological properties or because of the reactions it can produce.Different modes of transport Road transport Rail transport Sea transport Consequences of an accident An explosion A fire A tox...
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