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- Lifting the lockdown in the Principality, step by step
Lifting the lockdown in the Principality, step by step
Shops to reopen on 4 May, some classes to resume between 11 and 25 May, wearing of masks recommended and mandatory in some circumstances
On Tuesday 28 April, in front of Monaco Info’s cameras, the Prince’s Government unveiled details of the plan to lift the lockdown in the Principality from 4 May. Minister of State Serge Telle and Ministers Didier Gamerdinger (Health), Patrice Cellario (Interior) and Jean Castellini (Economy) took it in turns to explain the gradual phasing in of the main measures that will mark the resumption of activity in shops, in schools and in wider society.
With the COVID-19 epidemic having stabilised in the Principality (95 confirmed cases, of which four have sadly resulted in death), the success of this plan to ease the lockdown will require vigilance and commitment on the part of everyone. The stages of the plan will be rolled out in sequence, only if the health situation continues to move in the right direction. From 4 May, the plan will require implementation of barrier measures and 10 key conditions :
- hand sanitiser available everywhere
- regular sterilisation of passageways and places where people gather
- the wearing of masks is very strongly recommended in public spaces and mandatory on public transport and in shops
- the wearing of gloves is not recommended
- social distancing is the norm, and is implemented by limiting capacity, using appointments and managing flows of people
- the use of plexiglass is recommended at shop tills
- ongoing checks will be carried out to ensure compliance with these regulations
- in healthcare practices, hairdressing salons and dentists, appointments will be mandatory to avoid people gathering in waiting rooms
- no public gatherings of more than five people
- sports grounds and playgrounds will not be reopened
The three steps to lift the lockdown
PHASE 1: From 4 May
- all shops (one person/4 m2), with the exception of cafés, restaurants and hotels, can open
- places of worship will be open (maintaining a safe distance of 1.5 m from others + mask)
- hairdressers, beauty salons and healthcare practices can open by appointment only
- private and public construction sites can resume activity
- take-away sales will continue (with management of queues)
- the Monegasque Bus Company (CAM) will resume a normal service
- cruise ship ports of call will be banned
- private vessels will be authorised to leave the port
- there will be a partial resumption of traffic at the heliport (private charters)
- finally, the civil service will resume its activities, while continuing to prioritise teleworking and videoconferencing. However, departments that generally deal directly with the public will reopen their doors.
PHASE 2: From 11 May
There will be a gradual and partial return to school, focusing on classes with exams coming up and complying with a strict set of health guidelines: all teachers and pupils will need to wear masks, there will be no school meals or sports lessons and classes will operate in smaller groups.
The schedule for the return to school will be as follows:
- 11 May: return of lycée pupils (Year 12 (1ère), Year 13 (Terminale) and BTS students)
- 18 May: return of college pupils (Year 7 (6ème), Year 10 (3ème) and special needs students)
- 25 May: return of primary school pupils (Year 2 (CP) and Year 6 (CM2) pupils)
All other classes will remain off school and will continue their education remotely
Nursery schools, crèches and the Academy of Music will remain closed
PHASE 3: from the beginning of June, and only if the health conditions observed during the first two phases allow, the Government is prepared to consider reopening of the following on a case-by-case basis:
- restaurants and cafés
- gaming rooms
- exhibition halls
- cinemas
- sporting activities (particularly outdoor individual sports)
- beaches and swimming pools
- gyms
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