Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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24 August 2022 Press release

Call for applications: “Testimonio II bis – Palais Honoria – Mélèzes extension & other housing available”

©Direction de la Communication / Michael Alesi

The Housing Department informs Monegasque nationals interested in renting State-owned apartments that they may submit their online application from Monday 29 August 2022.

Applications can be submitted via https://teleservice.gouv.mc/logement-domanial-monaco or on MonGuichet.mc , the online portal of the Prince’s Government and Monaco City Hall.

If you are a Monegasque national who had an online application accepted during the last call for applications, you will be able to renew your request easily. The form will be pre-completed with the information you provided when you submitted the application selected. 

Monegasques with a digital identity active on their new identity card will be able to log into their personal account securely using the MConnect service. Their personal details (full name, date and place of birth, etc.) will already be entered in the form. Those who do not currently have a Monegasque digital identity will be able to log in with their existing online service or create a new account.

If you do not have access to a computer, you can submit your application using the form available from the reception desk of the Housing Department, at 10 bis, quai Antoine Ier, Monaco – Telephone: or 44.80 – dh.domanial@gouv.mc (open from 9.30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday to Friday).

Applications must be fully completed by the closing date, i.e. no later than 5 p.m. on Friday 23 September 2022. Applications posted on this date will not be valid.

Late or incomplete applications will not be investigated.

To help you ensure your application is in order, you will find a complete list of the documents to be provided, depending on your circumstances, in the Housing section of the Prince’s Government Public Service website http://service-public-particuliers.gouv.mc .

Applicants are also invited to consult the Ministerial Decree currently in force, setting down the conditions for allocation of State-owned housing. The Decree can be found on the same website.

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