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08 October 2020 News flash

Shortlist for High School Students’ Favourite Choice Prize 2021 announced

©Direction de la Communication / Manuel Vitali

The shortlist of novels in contention for the Prince Pierre of Monaco Foundation High School Students’ Favourite Choice Prize 2021 was recently presented to Year 11 (Seconde) pupils from the Lycée Albert I, Monaco’s Vocational and Catering School (Lycée Technique et Hôtelier de Monaco) and the Lycée FANB.

Established in 2007 in collaboration with the Department of Education, Youth and Sport, the prize is awarded by a jury of pupils, who make their decision from a selection of first novels. The award attracts a prize of €6,000 from the Princess Grace Foundation. The aim of this educational project is to expand pupils’ awareness of contemporary literature.

Under the guidance of their French teachers and as part of the “Reading, Writing, Publishing Today” section of the literature programme, throughout the year the jury of pupils takes part in a variety of events (a debate, a meeting with the authors, a round table, etc.) in order to select the winner.

The next step will come in February, when the pupils gather for a literary tea to argue for the shortlisted books that they believe should be included in the final selection.

Shortlist for High School Students’ Favourite Choice Prize 2021:

* Mauvaises herbes (Bad Weeds), Dima ABDALLAH, Sabine Wespieser (publisher)

* Mémoire de soie (Memory of Silk), Adrien BORNE, Éditions JC Lattès

* La cuillère (The Spoon), Dany HERICOURT, Éditions Liana Levi

* Alabama 1963, Christian NIEMEC & Ludovic MANCHETTE, Éditions Cherche Midi

* Du miel sous les galettes (Honey under the Pancakes), Roukiata OUEDRAOGO, Éditions Slatkine & Co

* Ce qu'il faut de nuit (What You Need from the Night), Laurent PETITMANGIN, Éditions La Manufacture des Livres

* Des kilomètres à la ronde (For Miles Around), VINCA VAN EECKE, Éditions Seuil

For more information, see: www.fondationprincepierre.mc

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