H.S.H. Princess Charlene Visits Schools
On Friday 26 February 2016, H.S.H. Princess Charlene, accompanied by Ms. Isabelle Bonnal, Director of Education, Youth and Sport, and Ms. Frédérique Fontaine, Head of the Ecole des Carmes, had the opportunity to see classrooms at this school, attend an English lesson and a class in French as a Foreign Language (FFL), and chat to pupils in the playground.
The morning continued at the auditorium of the Collège Charles III, where H.S.H Princess Charlene was present at an informal encounter organised by the Department of Education, Youth and Sport between pupils from the Collège Charles III, the Collège François d’Assise-Nicolas Barré and young South African children who were visiting Monaco for the 6th St. Devota rugby challenge.
At this event, pupils from Monaco gave an introduction to the Principality in a video presentation prepared with their English teachers.
Finally, before returning to the canteen of the Collège Charles III, where a typical South African menu had been prepared for all the pupils, the South African schoolchildren had the privilege of taking part in a swimming lesson given by H.S.H. Princess Charlene.
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