Dress code to apply to all classes at Ecole de la Condamine
At the start of the 2017/2018 academic year, the Prince’s Government trialled the wearing of a school uniform by introducing a dress code.
Ecole de la Condamine was chosen as a pilot school, with pupils in Years 2, 3, and 4 (CP, CE1 and CE2) the first to try it out.
Throughout the school year, parents had an opportunity to respond to two questionnaires, the results of which showed that a large majority of families were happy with the introduction of a dress code, though they did suggest some improvements in terms of the colour, quality, cut and finish of the polo shirts, accepting that this would entail a rise in the price of the items concerned.
For the start of the 2018/2019 school year, the Prince’s Government has therefore decided to continue this trial by extending it to all pupils at Ecole de la Condamine, from Year 2 (CP) to Year 6 (CM2), and incorporating almost all of the suggestions for improvement highlighted by the satisfaction surveys.
A call for tenders put together jointly by the Department of Education, Youth and Sport and the State Property Authority was launched in April 2018.
Parents of the pupils concerned were invited to an information meeting on Thursday to learn more about the details of this evolving pilot scheme. The meeting was attended by Mr Patrice Cellario, Minister of the Interior, and representatives from the Department of Education, Youth and Sport and the State Property Authority.
This gave parents the chance to discuss the issue and ask any questions they had in order to properly prepare for the return to school in the autumn.
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