Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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Plan numérique sept 2020 - Légende Photo : De gauche à droite aux côtés de S.A.S. le Prince Albert II, Mme Isabelle BONNAL, Directeur de l’Éducation Nationale de la Jeunesse et des Sports ; S.E. M. Pierre DARTOUT, Ministre d’Etat ; M. Frédéric GENTA, Délégué Interministériel chargé de la transition numérique ; M. Jean CASTELLINI, Conseiller de Gouvernement – Ministre des Finances et de l’Économie ; Mme Françoise GAMERDINGER, Directeur des Affaires Culturelles. ©Direction de la communication – Manuel Vitali

Monaco dévoile son plan de relance ambitieux porté par le numérique

11 September 2020 Press release

Mercredi 9 septembre, en présence de S.A.S le Prince Albert II, le Gouvernement Princier a détaillé le volet numérique de son plan de relance, mis en œuvre à travers le programme Extended Monaco.« Le numérique est devenu un enjeu stratégique pour tous les pays » a rappelé le Souverain. Il a annoncé que Monaco devena...

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rentrée scolaire 2020 2021 - ©Direction de la Communication - Michael Alesi

2020–2021 school year begins!

07 September 2020 News flash

On 7 September 2020, Minister of State H.E. Mr Pierre Dartout visited Lycée Albert I upon the return of Year 13 (Terminale) pupils, who will sit the newly reformed General Baccalaureate examinations next June.H.E. the Minister of State was accompanied by Mr Patrice Cellario, Minister of the Interior, and Ms Isabelle...

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Bourses d'études

2020-2021 Study Grants: Change in the Deadlines for Submitting Applications

19 August 2020 Youth Press release

The Department of Education, Youth and Sport informs candidates who are considering applying for a higher education study grant for the next academic year that application forms are available on the website of the Prince's Government, in the "Individuals" section.The documents necessary for compiling the a...

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Mark Dion - MMXII Camphor Cinnamomm Camphora Cape Town-HD - Mark DionMMXII Camphor Cinnamomum Camphora Cape Town, 2012Collection-rarities and Natural curiositiesWood, marquetry, bark, text and plastic on paper and leaves18 x 5 x 15 cmUnique workCourtesy of the artist and Galerie In Situ – Fabienne Leclerc, Paris

Les Apprentis Collectionneurs 2020

14 July 2020 Youth Press release

Launched in 2017, the Nouveau Musée National de Monaco’s “Les Apprentis Collectionneurs” (“Apprentice Collectors”) educational programme, which enjoys support from SOGEDA, aims to familiarise teenagers with contemporary art and the varied role of an art museum.Now in its fourth year, the programme brought together,...

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Voir la photo - DR

2020 National Brevet Diploma and Baccalaureate 2nd Group : An Outstanding Success

11 July 2020 Press release

It seems that the 2019-2020 school year has been outstanding in more ways than one. It came to a close with 99.8% of the Principality's 426 secondary school pupils passing the National Brevet Diploma (≈GCSE), of whom 376 passed with honours, of which 182 were the highest honours.Thus, 100% of the 302 pupils of the C...

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