Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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Nomination Bonnal - Commissaire DENJS - Mme Isabelle Bonnal. ©Direction de la Communication-Manuel Vitali

Isabelle Bonnal is appointed Commissioner General for Education, Youth and Sport

24 April 2021 Youth Press release

Ms. Isabelle Bonnal was promoted to Commissioner General of the Department of Education, Youth and Sport and confirmed in the corresponding rank by Sovereign Ordinance No. 8.564 dated 18 March 2021.This honour pays tribute to Ms Bonnal’s career, during which she has dedicated nearly 45 years to education in the Prin...

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Covid19 - Prince’s Government discusses support to be provided during early spring holiday with APEM

07 April 2021 Press release

The Prince’s Government continued its dialogue with representatives of the Monaco Parent–Teacher Association (APEM) at a meeting on Tuesday 6 April. Conscious that the move to bring forward the school holiday, which will now run from Friday 9 April to Monday 26 April, could cause organisational problems for families...

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Covid19 – spring holidays brought forward to begin on evening of Friday 9 April

03 April 2021 Press release

Operating under the authority of H.S.H. Prince Albert II, the Prince’s Government has decided to bring forward by two weeks the spring holiday originally scheduled to run from the evening of 22 April to the morning of Monday 10 May. All schools will now begin the holiday on the evening of Friday 9 April, and will re...

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Committee for Graduate Employment submits annual report for 2020

18 March 2021 Youth Press release

The Committee for Graduate Employment recently submitted its annual report for 2020 to its members,* including President H.E. Pierre Dartout, and to its partner companies.Since it was established in 2010, the Committee for Graduate Employment has taken many actions to improve future career prospects for young people...

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Covid19 – Prince’s Government launches appeal for caution and responsibility as holidays approach

18 February 2021 Press release

Friday 19 February marks the beginning of a two-week school holiday, an opportunity for many Monegasque nationals and residents of the Principality to take a few days off. In recent months, every holiday period has been followed by a surge in infections. Holidays are a time when people mix and enjoy spending time wi...

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