Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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News of theme "The Environment"
11 December 2019 News flash

Monaco Takes Part in International Mountain Day

11 December was declared International Mountain Day by the United Nations General Assembly. Monaco, which has acceded to the Convention on the Protection of the Alps, and which is located at the end of the Alpine arc, wished to mark this event with an exhibition on the subject of the mountains.

From 11 December 2019 until 31 January 2020, at the Galerie des Pêcheurs, you can see an exhibition of photos by Jean-Pierre Debernardi, President of the Art Photo Monaco Association, on the theme of "Walks in the Southern Alps." 

This event, organised by the Department of the Environment, is an opportunity to admire the Alps and the mountains from a different perspective.

As a reminder, preserving the mountains is an important aspect of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, especially Goal 15, which aims to preserve and restore terrestrial ecosystems.

Further Information:  Department of the Environment:  environnement@gouv.mc


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