Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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News of theme "The Environment"
31 October 2018 Press release

A dozen dusky groupers contaminated by virus in Bay of Monaco

Since the beginning of October, notifications of dead or dying dusky groupers in the Bay of Monaco have multiplied, and a dozen cases have now been recorded by the Department of the Environment. 

The dusky grouper is a protected species in the Principality, and numbers have been monitored and counted in collaboration with the Grouper Expert Group (GEM) for around a decade. 

An expert veterinary assessment of three specimens was commissioned last week in order to determine the causes behind these deaths. The symptoms and initial results suggest a viral infection which has been seen several times before in the Mediterranean (Crete, Libya, Malta and Corsica, among other locations). 

Since 1979, and including the latest recurrence, deaths have always been reported between the months of July and October. 

Observations indicate that the virus began to develop along the southern shoreline before spreading to the northern Mediterranean, although it has not been possible to establish a definitive link to warming waters. 

This does not, however, negate the significance of temperature as a contributing factor. The majority of fish that were found dead measured between 30 cm and 80 cm. 

The virus responsible is not transmissible to humans. Infected fish may have swollen swim bladders, damaged, glassy eyes and poor skin. 

Should you find a dead or dying dusky grouper, please contact the Department of the Environment on or the Department of Maritime Affairs on, who will deal with the fish.

For more information, contact: environnement@gouv.mc

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