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20 September 2024 Press release

Screening of documentary "The Flame of Peace – Peace and Sport around the World"

H.S.H. Prince Albert II surrounded by Joël Bouzou, President and founder of Peace and Sport, Jean-Jérôme Perrin-Mortier, Chief Executive Officer, and Geneviève Berti, Director of Communication. ©Government Communication Department-Manuel Vitali

A screening of the Peace and Sport documentary The Flame of Peace was held at the Princess Grace Theatre on Thursday evening, attended by H.S.H. Prince Albert II, Joël Bouzou, the President and founder of Peace and Sport; Marlène Nidecker, representative of the Champions for Peace and an Olympic taekwondo medallist; Jean-Jérôme Perrin-Mortier, Chief Executive Officer of Peace and Sport, and numerous officials from the Principality.

The 52-minute-long documentary, directed by the Prince’s Government Communication Department, shows how this unique organisation came to be, by highlighting its history, its successes, its challenges and the human encounters behind each project.

“Sport is much more than entertainment; it is a solution, a vehicle for peace based on equity and respect. This vision, shared with H.S.H. Prince Albert II, is depicted in the documentary through the tangible actions carried out around the world,” said Joël Bouzou.

For a year, a team from Monaco Info accompanied Peace and Sport as it undertook its training and advocacy work around the world. From Monaco to the Middle East, Latin America, India and Africa, the documentary showcases the work of Peace and Sport.

“The idea of this documentary was to use our expertise in service of a vision, the vision of H.S.H. the Sovereign Prince, of sport as a tool for peace and development: telling people what you do means demonstrating it with proof,” explained Geneviève Berti, Director of Communication, at the end of the screening.

Personal accounts add detail to a story that began in Monaco in 2007, and which continues to be written across the world today. The beneficiaries of Peace and Sport’s approach all over the world talk about the impact of the ambassadors for peace in their areas. A true model of diplomacy, Peace and Sport is also a vector of influence, that of a Principality that sees itself as the world capital of sport in service of peace.

Rooted in the Principality of Monaco’s neutrality and based on a conviction that sport can play a vital role in promoting peace, Peace and Sport illustrates, through its commitment all over the world, that initiatives based on sport can promote social development.


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