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Violences Femmes - Copyright - Direction de la Communication

The Principality Prepares to Take Part in the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women on 25 November 2016

19 November 2016 Social Affairs and Health Press release

On 25 November 2016, the Principality is taking part in the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.This initiative, which is supported by the United Nations, will be an opportunity to present the main actions and measures implemented by the State and various charitable groups in the Principa...

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Bachelor IUM - Crédit photo : © Manuel Vitali / Direction de la Communication

Creation of a "Bachelor of Finance" Course with a "Monaco Banking and Financial Services" Option

03 November 2016 Youth Press release

Since 2007, the Department of Employment has been offering young people a diploma equivalent to three years of university studies, as a sandwich course. As a reminder, this first diploma for professional training that is specific to the Principality was created jointly by the Department of Employment (via the Youth...

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Press Release from the Prince's Government on Seasonal Influenza

03 November 2016 Social Affairs and Health Press release

The Ministry of Health and Social Affairs of the Prince's Government reminds you that, as every year, seasonal influenza will make an appearance in the coming weeks.It mainly presents a danger for people in a weakened state of health, especially the elderly, as well as for patients with chronic respiratory or cardia...

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Jeunes diplomés C.I.D. - © Manuel Vitali / Direction de la Communication

The Committee for Graduate Employment at the Service of Young People in Monaco

26 October 2016 Youth Press release

Yesterday, in connection with the Committee for Graduate Employment (Commission d’Insertion des Diplômés) (C.I.D.), H.E. the Minister of State, at his residence, was host to business heads who have signed the protocol agreement on entry into employment for young Monegasque and resident graduates. Also present were G...

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Don du Sang : un grand geste pour la vie

17 October 2016 Social Affairs and Health Press release

Nous comptons sur vous !Mardi 18 octobre prochain, à l’occasion de la Journée Nationale des donneurs de sang, l’Amicale des donneurs de sang de Monaco et le Centre de Transfusion Sanguine organisent une grande collecte symbolique. Venez nombreux faire ce "grand geste pour la vie".Contribuez au don du sang...

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