Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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Affiche Handicap - Copyright - DR

La Principauté s'associe à la Journée Internationale du Handicap

03 December 2018 Social Affairs and Health Press release

La Principauté de Monaco s’associe, ce lundi 3 décembre 2018, à la Journée Internationale du Handicap.Cette Journée permet de rappeler les différents dispositifs de prise en charge et d’accompagnement mis en place par le Gouvernement.C’est aussi l’occasion de sensibiliser la population sur les actions du tissu assoc...

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Voir la photo - Les participants aux travaux du Comité pour la promotion et la protection des droits des femmes Direction de la Communication – Michael Alesi

Installation du Comité pour la promotion et la protection des droits des femmes

30 November 2018 Social Affairs and Health Press release

Le Comité pour la promotion et la protection des droits des femmes a été installé ce matin par SE Serge Telle, Ministre d’Etat en présence des participants aux travaux du Comité.Créé le 25 octobre 2018, il a pour mission de coordonner, mettre en œuvre et évaluer les politiques nationales prises afin de promouvoir l’...

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Didier Gamerdinger - Crédit photos : © Manuel Vitali / Direction de la Communication

International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women: Conference on "Violence against Women – Understanding it to Eradicate it"

29 November 2018 Social Affairs and Health Press release

Once again this year, the Principality of Monaco has taken part in the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, which was initiated by the United Nations in 1993.Yesterday, Wednesday 28 November, in connection with this Day, a public conference was held on the subject of "Violence agains...

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CES 2018 - The President, André Garino, at the rostrum, with his CES colleagues, after his speech © Manuel Vitali – Government Communication Department

Annual Reception of the Economic and Social Council

27 November 2018 News flash

On Monday 26 November, the President of the Economic and Social Council (CES), André Garino, brought together many dignitaries from the Principality, including H.E. the Minister of State, Serge Telle, Government Ministers and representatives from the economic and social world, for the CES's traditional annual recept...

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Journée Internationale de Lutte contre les Violences faites aux Femmes, Monaco se mobilise

Monaco is Involved in the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women

23 November 2018 Social Affairs and Health Press release

On Wednesday 28 November 2018, the Principality of Monaco will take part in the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. This day, which was created on the initiative of the United Nations, will highlight the importance of preventing this type of violence and dealing with it through the measu...

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