Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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14 June 2024 Press release

Promotional visit to London

De gauche à droite : Albert MANZONE, Directeur Général du Groupe Société des Bains de Mer ; Alejandro VELEZ, Conseiller - Promotion à l'international de l’A.M.A.F. ; Maître Raphaëlle SVARA, Avocate Associée CMS Monaco ; Maître Sophie MARQUET, Avocate Associée CMS Monaco ; S.E. Mme Evelyne GENTA, Ambassadeur de Monaco au Royaume-Uni ; Frédéric GENTA, Délégué Interministériel à l’Attractivité et à la Transition Numérique ; Chloé LECLERCQ, Chargée de Mission à la Cellule Attractivité du Gouvernement Princier et Directrice du Monaco Private Label ; Guillaume ROSE, Directeur Général Exécutif du Monaco Economic Board ; Justin HIGHMAN, Directeur Général Adjoint du Monaco Economic Board ©DR

The Attractiveness Department of the Prince’s Government, accompanied by Monaco Private Label, the Monaco Economic Board, the Monaco Association for Financial Activities and the Monte-Carlo Société des Bains de Mer (SBM) Group travelled to London from 12 to 13 June.

The United Kingdom is an important partner that has a lot in common with the Principality of Monaco, including the importance of the financial sector in its economy. British residents make up 7% of the population in the Principality and are one of its largest communities.

The visit to London had three objectives:

1. At a dinner organised by Monaco Private Label, convince thirty-odd entrepreneurs and investors interested in the Principality to set up there and generate economic value.

2. Meet with investment funds and financial companies to raise awareness about the advantages of living in the Principality.

3. Deliver presentations to around sixty UK-based advocates (tax specialists, lawyers, bankers and others) who will in turn promote the Principality to their clients.

For Mr Frédéric Genta, the Country Chief Officer for Attractiveness and the Digital Transition:

“London is a resolutely attractive city for the Principality as the home of world-class entrepreneurs and investors who take an interest in Monaco. Once again, the joint approach taken by Monaco Private Label, the Monaco Economic Board, the Monaco Association for Financial Activities and the Monte-Carlo SBM group proved to be effective.”

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