Authors and Schoolchildren Meet for the 2019 "High School Students' Favourite Choice"
The jury of the "High School Students' Favourite Choice," comprised of Year 11 pupils from the Lycée Albert Ier, Monaco's Vocational and Catering School (Lycée Technique et Hôtelier de Monaco) and the Lycée FANB, have just enjoyed a highlight of the prize selection process. At the end of this process, the jury will select the winning novel from those shortlisted. The winner will be revealed at the Prince Pierre of Monaco Foundation's Prize Announcement evening, to be held at the Salle Garnier on 15 October 2019.
The pupils, who are all passionate about literature, had the opportunity to meet David Diop (Frère d'âme), (Soul Brother*) (Editions du Seuil), Sarah Manigne (L'atelier) (The Workshop) (Editions Mercure de France), Hector Mathis (K.O.) (Editions Roman Buchet Chastel), Aurélie Razimbaud (Une vie de pierres chaudes) (A Life of Warm Stones) (Editions Albin Michel), and Laurent Seyer (Les poteaux étaient carrés) (The Posts were Square) (Editions Finitude).
These five authors were shortlisted for the 2019 "High School Students' Favourite Choice." They were all present to meet their young readers, introduce their novels and discuss their work as authors.
*Translations of titles provided for information purposes only
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