All the news about "Culture"
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Duane Hanson en vedette au NMNM – Villa Paloma
Trois expositions en une: telle est la prouesse réalisée par les équipes du NMNM!Les deux premiers niveaux de la Villa Paloma accueillent dix sculptures hyperréalistes grandeur nature de Duane Hanson: l’artiste (né en 1925 et mort en 1996 aux USA) y montre des représentants anonymes des classes moyennes de la sociét...
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Palmarès - 5e New Generation – 30 et 31 janvier 2016
La cinquième édition du Festival pour jeunes artistes "New Generation" vient de prendre fin et le jury, présidé par Pauline Ducruet (fille de S.A.S. la Princesse Stéphanie), a proclamé le Palmarès.JUNIOR D'ORRené Casselly JuniorTonito AlexisJUNIOR D'ARGENTDuo icariens Leul & NahomOlesya FedotovaPas de...
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5th New Generation Competition
30 January at 2.30 p.m. and 7 p.m. and 31 January at 3 p.m.Eric Nondsen in the role of Monsieur LoyalBaptiste Raffy in the role of Mini-Monsieur Loyal – JuniorWith the participation of the "Piste d’Azur" Circus School
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Organ Concert at St. Devota's Church
As part of celebrations for the festival of St. Devota, on Wednesday 27 January the Department of Cultural Affairs is presenting an organ concert by Jan Willem Jansen, who graduated from the Royal Conservatory of The Hague as a soloist. He will perform works by Bach, Scheidemann, Bertoni and extracts from the "...
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Saint Devota celebrations
Celebrations for Saint Devota, Patron Saint of Monaco, will take place on Monday 26 and Tuesday 27 January 2015.These celebrations are linked to one of the Principality of Monaco's oldest traditions – a tradition that has permeated national culture in areas as varied as religion, folklore, popular beliefs, history,...
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