Monaco Artists’ Forum - The Public’s Prize
The 3rd Monaco Artists’ Forum closed on Sunday 12 June. Eighty-seven artists, both amateur and professional, Monegasque nationals or residents, working in the fields of painting, photography and sculpture, exhibited their work there.
The exhibition was open from 3 to 12 June from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. and attracted 840 visitors.
The “Public’s Prize,” awarded for the first time this year, recognised Diane d’Amico for her bronze sculpture “Woody the Elephant.” This work, as well as other works by the artist, can be seen at the Rainier III Auditorium until 30 June.
Monaco Artists’ Forum is organised by the Department of Cultural Affairs every two years, alternating with the Cultural Associations Forum. The next Artists’ Forum will take place at the Rainier III Auditorium in 2018.
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