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FPP Matignon - © Prince Pierre Foundation of Monaco

Princes et princesse de Monaco - L’avènement d’une dynastie (XIIIe – XXIe siècle)

07 July 2018 Culture News flash

The Prince Pierre Foundation’s “Hors les murs” series of conferences held outside Monaco concluded in Matignon (Côtes-d’Armor) recently, with a lecture given by Thomas Fouilleron, Director of the Prince’s Palace Archives and Library, who holds a doctorate in history. The title of the conference was: Princes and Prin...

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Saison 2018 du Fort Antoine 1er spectacle - « Italie Brésil 3 à 2 » de Davide Enia, interprété par Solal Boulodnine au côté de Jean-Marc Montera (musicien). ©Direction de la Communication / Michael Alési

Launch of Fort Antoine summer season 2018

04 July 2018 Culture News flash

The Fort Antoine summer season 2018 opened yesterday evening with Italy–Brazil 3–2, featuring a magnificent performance by Solal Boulodnine, the only actor on stage, with Jean-Marc Montera (musician).Fort Antoine Theatre is seeking to develop vibrant and eclectic theatre, maintaining a finger on the pulse of contemp...

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Voir la photo - © Government Communication Department – Charly Gallo Photo caption: Tom WesselmannGina’s Hand, 1972–82Oil on canvas© The Estate of Tom Wesselmann/Licensed by VAGA, New York

“La promesse du bonheur”: Tom Wesselmann exhibition at Villa Paloma

28 June 2018 Culture News flash

Until 6 January 2019, the Nouveau Musée National de Monaco (NMNM)’s Villa Paloma is hosting a public exhibition dedicated to one of the key figures in American pop art, Tom Wesselmann. The exhibition takes its title from Stendhal’s famous claim that “La beauté n’est que la promesse du bonheur” (“Beauty is but the pr...

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Voir la photo - © - Direction de la Communication - Manu Vitali

Sound and Light show illuminates Prince’s Palace

23 June 2018 Culture News flash

On Saturday evening, the 1st Meeting of Historical Sites of the Grimaldis of Monaco concluded with a sound and light show devoted to the Grimaldi dynasty and projected onto the walls of the Prince’s Palace.This first day of celebrations was marked by a number of highlights: folk dances and cultural performances pres...

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Voir la photo - © - Direction de la Communication - Frédéric Nebinger

Presentation of 2018–2019 season at Théâtre Princesse Grace

21 June 2018 Culture News flash

Françoise Gamerdinger, who leads the management team at Théâtre Princesse Grace, recently presented the theatre’s 2018–2019 season which will open on 10 October with Fabrice Lucchini in Des écrivains parlent d’argent (Writers Talk About Money). The presentation was attended by Jean-Charles Curau, Director of Cultura...

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