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Monaco Tech Carlo avril 24 - ©Direction de la Communication - Stéphane Danna

The Prince’s Government continues to support local shops and restaurants with the Carlo app

04 April 2024 Press release

On Thursday 28 March, the Prince’s Government and Carlo met with retail partners of the app at MonacoTech.The meeting was held to review the excellent results of the scheme since its launch in December 2020; the Government’s ongoing commitment to cover platform fees, and changes to the referral programme.The scheme...

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photo commeccant monaco ville 2024 - ©Direction de la Communication

The Monaco Business Office of the Business Development Agency meets new traders in Monaco-Ville

13 March 2024 Press release

In early March, the Business Development Agency visited the neighbourhood of Monaco-Ville to visit new shops and restaurants.This initiative is part of the Government’s ongoing efforts to support and develop local trade, by meeting on a regular basis with traders to discuss their development ideas and concerns.These...

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signature conv caisse batiment - ©DR

The Ministry of Health and Social Affairs and the Construction Sector Employers’ Chamber sign an agreement to support initiatives backed by the Caisse de Formation du Bâtiment (CFB)

12 March 2024 Press release

The building sector is a model of prosperity in the Principality that offers real job and career opportunities at all levels of qualification and responsibility.Government Minister Christophe Robino met with the members of the Construction Sector Employers’ Chamber at the Ministry of State today, where he was presen...

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Baromètre de lIndustrie Manufacturière 1223 IMSEE - ©IMSEE

Baromètre de l’Industrie Manufacturière : publication des premiers résultats

14 February 2024 Press release

Après avoir initié fin 2022 une enquête de conjoncture dans l’Industrie manufacturière, l’IMSEE publie les premiers résultats de ce Baromètre, qui illustre mensuellement le climat des affaires de ce secteur.Selon les chefs d’entreprises interrogés, le climat des affaires se redresse en décembre 2023 dans l’industrie...

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drapeau monaco

Rapport Moneyval : Mise à disposition de la liste des sociétés en déshérence

14 December 2023 Press release

Dans son rapport d’évaluation publié le 23 janvier dernier, MONEYVAL, l’organe de lutte anti-blanchiment du Conseil de l’Europe, invitait la Principauté à recenser de manière exhaustive les sociétés en déshérence, en particulier les sociétés civiles, et rendre cette information visible et accessible au public, aux i...

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