Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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Visuel - Bourses d’études et de promotion sociale 2023-2024

Study and social advancement grants, 2023-2024: two online application procedures open on MonGuichet.mc

07 June 2023 A Modern State Press release

The Department of Education, Youth and Sport of the Prince’s Government informs candidates for a study or social advancement grant for the 2023-2024 university year that the online application process is now open on MonGuichet.mc.Launched last year in collaboration with the Digital Transition Office as part of the E...

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4ème Sommet des Chefs d’État et de Gouvernement du Conseil de l’Europe - ©DR

Isabelle Berro-Amadeï attends the 4th Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Council of Europe

19 May 2023 Press release

The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Ms Isabelle Berro-Amadeï, attended the 4th Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Council of Europe held on 16 and 17 May in Reykjavik, Iceland. The Minister was accompanied by Mr Gabriel Revel, Chargé d’affaires ad interim, Deputy Permanent Representative of...

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Téléservice CCIII - Un nouveau téléservice pour les inscriptions au Collège Charles III

Online enrolment opens for 2023/2024 at Collège Charles III

05 May 2023 A Modern State Press release

The Department of Education, Youth and Sport would like to inform parents that online enrolment for the 2023/2024 academic year at Collège Charles III is now open via the MonGuichet.mc portal.Pupils who are Monegasque nationals or resident in the Principality, and pupils with an exemption who are already enrolled in...

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SEM Vœux à la presse 2023 - S.E.M. Pierre Dartout ©Direction de la Communication – Stéphane Danna

Action against money laundering, terrorist financing, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and corruption

27 April 2023 Press release

On 27 April 2023, the Minister of State chaired a new meeting of the senior members of the Committee for Coordination and Monitoring of the National Strategy on Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing, Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction and Corruption.The meeting provided an opportunity for a comprehensive u...

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Monaco Cyber Sécurité - ©Direction de la Communication / Manuel Vitali

Le Ministre d’Etat Pierre Dartout en visite à Monaco Cyber Sécurité

24 April 2023 A Modern State Press release

Le Ministre d’Etat, accompagné notamment de Monsieur Patrice CELLARIO, Conseiller de Gouvernement – Ministre pour l’Intérieur, de Monsieur Christophe ROBINO, Conseiller de Gouvernement – Ministre pour les Affaires Sociales et la Santé et de Monsieur Frédéric FAUTRIER, Directeur de l’Agence Monégasque de Sécurité Num...

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