Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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Commission jetons Blockshain - ©Direction de la Communication - Stéphane Danna

Using blockchain technology to finance the economy

02 October 2020 News flash

The first meeting of the commission established by Article 2 of Act No. 1.491, dated 23 June 2020, on token offerings was held at the Ministry of State on Wednesday 30 September. It was attended by Jean Castellini, Minister of Finance and Economy, Frédéric Genta, Country Chief Digital Officer, and Pierre Silhol, Tec...

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rentrée des tribunaux 2020 - ©Direction de la Communication - Manuel Vitali

Autumn Session Formal Sitting of the Courts

01 October 2020 News flash

The traditional Autumn Session Formal Sitting of the Courts was held at the Palais de Justice on Thursday 1 October, in the presence of H.S.H. the Sovereign Prince, together with the Secretary of State for Justice. The Minister of State, the Archbishop of Monaco, the President of the National Council and numerous ot...

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MTE lancements sept 2020 - De gauche à droite : Laurie Giacobi, Kate Powers, Benoite de Sevelinges, Sébastien Uscher, Frédéric Genta, Kevin Crovetto, Annabelle Jaeger-Seydoux, Victor Langellotti, Jessica Sbaraglia, Marie-Pierre Gramaglia, Isabelle Biancheri, Julien Vidal, Rémi Feipeler, Céline Cottalorda.©Direction de la Communication - Michael Alesi

Double launch by Mission for Energy Transition

29 September 2020 News flash

In the first of two launches today, the “Pact Carbon Coach” was officially unveiled by Marie-Pierre Gramaglia, Minister of Public Works, the Environment and Urban Development, and Frédéric Genta, Country Chief Digital Officer :https://pacte-coachcarbone.mc/ .This new digital commitment and support tool for those who...

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AMSN KPMG - ©Direction de la Communication - Michael Alesi

The KPMG Company is Awarded the Information Systems Security Audit Service Provider (PASSI) Qualification in Monaco

11 September 2020 Press release

Mr. Dominique Riban, Director of the Monegasque Cyber Security Agency (AMSN) recently awarded Mr. Stéphane Garino, Senior Partner of KPMG Monaco, the Monegasque Information Systems Security Audit Service Provider (PASSI) diploma, in the presence of Mr.François Daure, Director of KPMG Monaco.This brings the number of...

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Plan numérique sept 2020 - Légende Photo : De gauche à droite aux côtés de S.A.S. le Prince Albert II, Mme Isabelle BONNAL, Directeur de l’Éducation Nationale de la Jeunesse et des Sports ; S.E. M. Pierre DARTOUT, Ministre d’Etat ; M. Frédéric GENTA, Délégué Interministériel chargé de la transition numérique ; M. Jean CASTELLINI, Conseiller de Gouvernement – Ministre des Finances et de l’Économie ; Mme Françoise GAMERDINGER, Directeur des Affaires Culturelles. ©Direction de la communication – Manuel Vitali

Monaco dévoile son plan de relance ambitieux porté par le numérique

11 September 2020 Press release

Mercredi 9 septembre, en présence de S.A.S le Prince Albert II, le Gouvernement Princier a détaillé le volet numérique de son plan de relance, mis en œuvre à travers le programme Extended Monaco.« Le numérique est devenu un enjeu stratégique pour tous les pays » a rappelé le Souverain. Il a annoncé que Monaco devena...

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