Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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conseil national - ©Direction de la Communication - Michael Alesi


08 November 2022 The Economy Press release

The Electoral Campaign Auditing Committee would like to draw the attention of future candidates in the national elections to the following information ahead of the vote on 5 February 2023.The Committee notes that, according to the provisions of Act No. 1.389, amended, of 2 July 2012, on electoral campaign financing,...

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Accréditation de S.E. M. Philippe ORENGO auprès du Saint-Siège © Vatican Media - Accréditation de S.E. M. Philippe ORENGO auprès du Saint-Siège © Vatican Media

H.E. Mr Philippe Orengo, Ambassador of the Principality of Monaco to the Holy See, presents credentials

05 November 2022 Press release

H.E. Mr Philippe Orengo presented his credentials to His Holiness Pope Francis on 22 October 2022, accrediting him as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Holy See.The ceremony, held at the Apostolic Palace, afforded an opportunity for a private meeting with the Holy Father in his private library. Thi...

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Accréditation de S.E. M. Lorenzo RAVANO auprès de l'OSCE ©DR - Accréditation de S.E. M. Lorenzo RAVANO auprès de l'OSCE ©DR

Accreditation of H.E. Mr Lorenzo Ravano to OSCE

03 November 2022 Press release

On 19 October 2022, H.E. Mr Lorenzo Ravano, the Principality of Monaco’s Permanent Representative to the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), presented his credentials to the Organisation’s Secretary-General, Ms Helga Schmid, in Vienna.The ceremony was followed by a meeting, during which the...

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Présentation des lettres de créance de S.E.M. Frédéric LABARRERE, Ambassadeur de la Principauté, auprès de S.A.R. le Grand-Duc Henri de Luxembourg - S.E. M. Frédéric LABARRERE, Ambassadeur de Monaco auprès du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg et S.A.R. le Grand-Duc Henri de Luxembourg. © 2022 Maison du Grand-Duc, tous droits réservés

H.E. Ambassador Frédéric Labarrère presents credentials to H.R.H. Grand Duke Henri of Luxembourg

03 November 2022 Press release

The Principality of Monaco’s new Ambassador to the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, H.E. Mr Frédéric Labarrère, presented his credentials to H.R.H. Grand Duke Henri of Luxembourg on 26 October 2022.The official ceremony took place in the rooms of the Grand Ducal Palace, and was followed by a private meeting between the Gr...

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Visite de travail en Principauté de M. Daren TANG, Directeur Général de l’Organisation Mondiale de la Propriété Intellectuelle 1 © Manuel Vitali -... - Visite de travail en Principauté de M. Daren TANG, Directeur Général de l’Organisation Mondiale de la Propriété Intellectuelle 1 © Manuel Vitali - Direction de la Communication

Daren Tang, Director General of the World Intellectual Property Organization, pays working visit to Principality

03 November 2022 Press release

Mr Daren Tang, Director General of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO),1 paid a working visit to the Principality on 2 and 3 November 2022.The Director General, accompanied by two colleagues (Mr Habip Asan, Director of the Division for Transition and Developed Countries, and Mr Victor Vazquez, Head o...

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