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Jeun'Elec - Copyright visuel : © Manuel Vitali / Direction de la Communication 

Essais de véhicules électriques dans le cadre de Jeun'Elec

02 February 2017 Youth Press release

Dans le cadre de la 18eédition du programme Jeun'Elec, le Club des Véhicules Électriques de Monaco, en étroite collaboration avec la Direction de l’Education Nationale, de la Jeunesse et des Sports et la Direction de l'Environnement, a proposé aux élèves des classes de 4èmeet aux lycéens de 2ndeindustrielle du Lycée...

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Charlotte GAMBA et Pierrot - Ephata  - Charlotte Gamba, Monaco International Volunteer, and Pierrot, one of the pupils from the Ephata school in Madagascar ©DCI

A New Monaco International Volunteer in Madagascar

02 February 2017 Monaco Worldwide News flash

As part of its volunteer programme, the Department of International Cooperation has just sent a new Monaco International Volunteer to work in the field. Charlotte Gamba has begun her mission at the Ephata school, which is supported by Monaco's Official Development Assistance. This specialist school provides educatio...

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Sécurisation tunnel Larvotto

Safety Work in the Larvotto Tunnel

01 February 2017 Security Press release

As part of safety improvements to road tunnels in the Principality, work must be undertaken on the Larvotto Tunnel to ensure its safety. This work mainly involves installing fire protection measures, with the creation of fire and emergency recesses.This safety work on the Larvotto tunnel will start on Monday 6 Febru...

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Signature Convention BNP Paribas - ©Direction de la Communication / Charly Gallo

Signature of a Partnership Agreement between the Prince's Government and BNP Paribas Monaco

01 February 2017 The Economy News flash

As part of the implementation of Act No. 1.425 of 6 May 2016 on the creation of financial support from the State to facilitate Monegasque students’ access to loans, the Prince's Government and BNP Paribas Monaco signed a partnership agreement today.This agreement, which was signed by Mr. Jean Castellini, Minister of...

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Festival Blue Ocean - ©Direction de la Communication / Manuel Vitali

Blue Ocean Festival

01 February 2017 Youth Press release

In November 2016, a group of pupils from the Year 12 International Option of the Lycée Albert Ier had the opportunity to take part in an exchange with the Canterbury School of Florida. Accompanied by their teachers, Ms. Biancheri and Ms. Riley, the pupils from the Principality were welcomed by their American friends...

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