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Photo chirurgie ambulatoire - Copyright - DR

CHPG : le nouveau visage de la Chirurgie ambulatoire

03 March 2017 Social Affairs and Health Press release

La chirurgie ambulatoire, chirurgie programmée permettant généralement la sortie du patient le jour même, évolue au Centre Hospitalier Princesse Grace.Avec l'acquisition de 5 nouvelles places ouvertes depuis le 31 janvier dernier, soit 19 places au total, l’unité dirigée par le Pr. Isabelle Rouquette a la vocation d...

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Lettres félicitation DSP - ©Direction de la Communication / Manuel Vitali

Letters of Congratulation are Presented to Deserving Police Officers

03 March 2017 Security Press release

Yesterday evening, in the presence of the highest Monegasque authorities, Serge Telle, Minister of State, in his Residence, presented letters of congratulation to deserving police officers who had carried out their duties with devotion and self-sacrifice."Above all, I am pleased that we are paying homage to tho...

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Rapport Haut Commissariat 2015-2016

2nd Public Annual Report of the High Commissioner for the Protection of Rights, Liberties and for Mediation

02 March 2017 A Modern State News flash

The High Commissioner for the Protection of Rights, Liberties and for Mediation has just made public its second annual activity report, which was submitted to H.S.H. the Sovereign Prince by High Commissioner Anne Eastwood.In addition to activity statistics, this report reflects the action taken by the institution ov...

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DTC Espagne _ DR - Guillaume Rose au pupitre lors de la tournée promotionnelle _ DR

La DTC en tournée promotionnelle en Espagne

01 March 2017 Press release

À l'occasion de la tournée des Ballets de Monte-Carlo en Espagne, la Direction du Tourisme et des Congrès (DTC) a organisé plusieurs opérations de promotion et de relations presse à Barcelone et à Madrid.Représentée par son Directeur, Guillaume Rose, ainsi que par Laurence Aquilina, Responsable Marketing et Ventes e...

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PAM 2017 - Ms. Martine Garcia, Deputy Alternate Representative to the FAO and the WFP, Mr. Abdoulaye Balde, the WFP's Country Director for Cameroon and São Tomé and Principe, H.E. Mr. Robert Fillon, Ambassador of the Principality of Monaco to Italy, Permanent Representative to the FAO and the WFP and Mr. Abdou Dieng, the WFP's Regional Director for Central and West Africa©DR

Monaco Takes Part in the 1st Ordinary Session of the Executive Board of the World Food Programme

28 February 2017 Monaco Worldwide News flash

From 20 to 23 February 2017, Monaco took part in the work of the 1st Session of the Executive Board of the World Food Programme (WFP). At this meeting, the WFP launched its new Roadmap, which includes three new policies on climate change, the environment and nutrition, in response to SDG No. 2, "End hunger, ach...

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