Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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sport et paix ONU - S.E. Mme Isabelle Picco, Représentant permanent de Monaco auprès des Nations Unies, lors de son allocution ©DR

Educating and Training Leaders for Peace Consolidating Peace through Sport

08 September 2016 Monaco Worldwide News flash

In partnership with the University for Peace, whose headquarters are in Costa Rica, the Permanent Missions of Costa Rica, Monaco and Tunisia organised a meeting on 1 September 2016 at the UN headquarters in NewYork on the theme of "Educating and Training Leaders for Peace - Consolidating Peace through Sport.&qu...

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Voir la photo - Photo Caption:32nd Sao Paulo Biennale.From left to right:With Rosa Barba, 2016 winner of the PIAC, Jochen Volz, Artistic Director of the Sao Paulo Biennale, Lorenzo Fusi, Artistic Director of the PIAC, Jean-Charles Curau, Secretary-General of the FPP, and François Chantrait, Carole Laugier and Vincent Vatrican, members of the Board of Directors of the FPP.© - Fondation Prince Pierre de Monaco

Rosa Barba, Winner of the Prince Pierre of Monaco Foundation's Contemporary Art Prize, at the São Paolo Biennale

08 September 2016 Culture News flash

Rosa Barba's new film, "Disseminate and Hold," has just been screened for the first time at the 2016 São Paulo Biennale. It will be presented in connection with the Biennale's exhibition "Live Uncertainty" (10 September - 11 December 2016).Rosa Barba was named winner of the 2016 International Con...

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Voir la photo - © Charly Gallo - Centre de Presse

H.E. Minister of State pays visit to Principality’s pupils

08 September 2016 Youth News flash

Accompanied by Patrice Cellario, Minister of the Interior, and Isabelle Bonnal, Director of Education, Youth and Sport, Minister of State Serge Telle attended the first day back at school for Year 11 (Seconde) pupils at Lycée Albert I, where he was welcomed by Headmaster Pierre Cellario.The Minister of State then vi...

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Facteo La Poste

FACTEO : the mobile postal workstation

08 September 2016 Quality of Life Press release

Stepping into the digital age, Monaco Post Office is set to gradually roll out a new working tool for postal workers. The tool, known as FACTEO, is a mobile, smartphone-style device which has been designed to meet challenges in three areas: To improve customer satisfaction by developing new services and optimising...

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Work to renovate the wastewater collection system  - The four phases of the project to renovate the wastewater collection system on Rue Suffren Reymond – copyright TP

Work to renovate the wastewater collection system on Rue Suffren Reymond

08 September 2016 Quality of Life Press release

Work to renovate the wastewater collection system on Rue Suffren Reymond, between Rue Princesse Florentine and Boulevard Albert I will begin in late 2016.The work will be carried out over 12 months in four stages, with stoppages for major events.A pedestrian and vehicle traffic plan will be put in place for each pha...

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