Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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Cap vert - H.E. Ms. Isabelle Picco and H.E. Mr. Jose Luis Fiahlo Rocha, Ambassadors, Permanent Representatives to the United Nations ©DR 

Opening of Diplomatic Relations between the Principality of Monaco and the Republic of Cabo Verde

11 August 2017 Monaco Worldwide News flash

This Thursday, 10 August 2017, the Republic of Cabo Verde became the 135th State to establish diplomatic relations with the Principality of Monaco.H.E. Mr. Jose Luis Fiahlo Rocha and H.E.Ms. Isabelle Picco, Permanent Representatives to the United Nations, signed the joint communiqué in which our States, one of which...

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Abeille_Osmia_sp_f_Marguareis - Osmia_sp_f_Marguareis © Matthieu Aubert

Biodiversity - The Government Joins a Convention Programme on the Subject of Bees

10 August 2017 The Environment Press release

As part of a partnership with the Parco Europeo Alpi Marittime and the Mercantour National Park, the Prince's Government is joining a new Convention Programme, signed on 3 August 2017, "Bees of the Mercantour-Alpi Marittime Territory: Diversity and Pollination."

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Nettoyage du Tombant par méthode d’aspiration - Zone avant aspiration  - Cleaning of the Spélugues coral reef using suction technique - Before suction

Protection strengthened for Spélugues coral reef, which borders urban extension project

09 August 2017 Press release

An environmental impact study was therefore conducted by Anse du Portier, with the aim of identifying the challenges, effects and potential impact of the project, and planning measures to avoid, reduce or mitigate harm to the marine environment and biodiversity.Initial operations to move protected species were compl...

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Pr. Franco Borruto accompagné du Premier Ministre de Lettonie Maris Kucinski et du Consul de Monaco à Riga, M. Maris grudulis - Pr. Franco Borruto accompagné du Premier Ministre de Lettonie Māris Kučinski et du Consul de Monaco à Riga, M. Maris Grudulis Copyright - DR

- Santé Publique - Poursuite des actions de coopération entre Monaco et la Lettonie

08 August 2017 Social Affairs and Health News flash

Poursuivant les actions de coopération de santé publique initiées en 2016 entre le Département des Affaires Sociales et de la Santé et le Ministère de la Santé de Lettonie, le Professeur Franco Borruto, consultant médical auprès du Département, était invité par ses homologues lettons à tenir une conférence à Riga qu...

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Pharmacie médicament santé - © Manuel Vitali - Direction de la Communication

From Now On, Drugs Based on Codeine, Dextromethorphan, Ethylmorphine and Noscapine Will Only be Available by Prescription in the Principality

04 August 2017 Social Affairs and Health Press release

In view of the measures adopted in France with regard to the supply of codeine-based drugs, in response to the addictive practices observed among adolescents and young adults, the Prince's Government, within the framework of the policy on juvenile addiction prevention, has adopted regulatory measures identical to th...

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